COVID-19 we must take care of ourselves – in English

Against this SARS-COV-2 virus disease, it is possible to do:

– prevention, by washing hands (concentrated alcohol), by wearing a mask and by nasal spray

– by suspecting an onset of infection, apply nasal spray and gargle immediately, minimum morning and noon

Active substance of the nasal spray: Baby Shampoo diluted (1%) with physiological solution (9 g / l of salt); this substance is active against all variants of COVID-19 .








Scientific sources: Adjuvant kills-SARS.pdf; see Craig Meyers et al

// Documentary note dated 21.4.2021

Using the findings of Prof. Craig Meyers, Penn State University (Philadelphia, USA), we see that rinses, nasal sprays and gargles can be used to destroy all COVID-19 viruses, using the liquid adjuvant used by his nose surgeon colleagues (ENT); he simply verified that the adjuvant was also virucidal to SARS-COV-2; this adjuvant therefore does not need to go through tests, like a drug, to immediately enter service: it has been used in patients, after ENT surgery at Penn State, already for more than 10 years at home.

// End of documentary note of 21.4.2021

André Bovay-Rohr, Colombier-sur_Morges, on 5.4.2021

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